Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Interactive nusmv model checking - 1

In the last post we saw about model checking LTL formulas with NuSMV by writing the model, the formula to be satisfied, and calling the program from the command line. We will now see a few things useful to interact with the model.

if we run NuSMV with the option -int, NuSMV remains open to ask commands.

We can execute:

NuSMV -int nusmv1.smv

After the header including the NuSMV version, the prompt appears:


In the next lines this prompt (NuSMV > ) will appear to show where the commands go, but you don't have to write it. We can now write go so that the model is built. That is,

NuSMV > go

And now we can check formulas. For example,

NuSMV > check_ltlspec -p "G st = ready"

outputs a counterexample, while

NuSMV > check_ltlspec -p "st = ready"

indicating that in the first state st is ready, is true.

NuSMV > show_traces 1

shows the first trace (the counterexample to "G st = ready"

At any moment we can use

NuSMV > help
to  see all the available commands

and command -h  to see the options of a command for instance

NuSMV > check_ltlspec -h

Finally we use the quit command to exit.

NuSMV > quit

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

First NuSMV model check

There are several tools to apply check LTL formulas (LTL - 3, etc.). Among these, NuSMV is an open source tool that I have been using. This tool uses BDDs or SAT solvers to check properties, but I'll leave these topics for later and now focus on actual model checking a system..

In the tutorial, the following example is given:

request: boolean;
st: {ready, busy};
init(st) := ready;
next(st) := case
              st = ready & request : busy;
              TRUE : {ready, busy};

The given model contains two variables: request is a boolean and st - representing the state of the system - has two possible values (ready or busy).

In the ASSIGN section the initial and transition relation constraints are defined. The variable st is initialized as ready, and then for each transition:
if in the current state st is ready and there is a request, in the next state the value of st will be busy. Otherwise ("TRUE : ..."), the next value of st will be either ready or busy, non-deterministically chosen.
There are no constraints regarding initial or next values of request.

This model represents the given state machine:
The two states on the left are the initial states, since these are the states satisfying that initially st = ready.
Then, almost every transition is possible, besides when st = ready and there is a request, according to the state machine definition in the next state st must be busy.

We can check the following LTL formula:
\(\textbf{G} (st = ready \implies \textbf{X}\ st = busy)\)

That is, at any state, if st = ready, then in the next state st = busy.

To do so, we add the following to the model:
G (st = ready -> X st = busy)

Let's assume we have a file  nusmv1.smv (open with any text editor).

Now (from the command line) we can run NuSMV and check if the guarantee holds.

After having downloaded it, we can execute

NuSMV nusmv1.smv

You may need to access the whole path, for instance (in Windows)

C:\Program Files\NuSMV\bin\NuSMV nusmv1.smv

The output is the following:

-- specification  G (st = ready ->  X st = busy)  is false
-- as demonstrated by the following execution sequence
Trace Description: LTL Counterexample
Trace Type: Counterexample
-> State: 1.1 <-
  request = 1
  st = ready
-> Input: 1.2 <-
-> State: 1.2 <-
  request = 0
  st = busy
-- Loop starts here-> State: 1.3 <-
  st = ready
-> State: 1.4 <--> Input: 1.5 <-
-> State: 1.5 <-
  st = busy
-> Input: 1.6 <-
-> State: 1.6 <-
  st = ready
In the first state of the counterexample, request is true (1) and st is ready. In the next state request is false and st is busy. So far the formula holds.
Then it is inidicated the start of the loop. This is since infinite paths are analyzed, and every counterexample includes a prefix and a loop. The first state of the loop (State 1.3) changes the value of st but not of request (only the variables changed appear). So in State 1.3 request is false and st=ready. However, in the next state st keeps being ready! Our formula is false, since there could be states when the state is ready but the next state is not busy (for instance, when there is no request).

If we change the formula and check
G ((request & st = ready) -> X st = busy)

The output obtained is:
-- specification  G ((request & st = ready) ->  X st = busy)  is true

Thursday, October 2, 2014

LOTOS - Choice

Some time ago, I've written about the basic events in LOTOS specification (LOTOS - 1). These are given by
g?var: T \(\rightarrow\) an input of type T is expected through the gate g.
g! constant \(\rightarrow\)  an output (constant) is exposed through the gate g.

Additional operators allow building more complex processes:

Sequential composition (;)

Several events can occur in a sequence. For example, g? x: int; g!x+1 represent two events (at two different instants of time). In the first one, it is expected to synchronize on an integer input, while in the second one it is expected to synchronize on the output that is the value received plus one.

We can now define a process P with a gate g that it always receives a value and exposes the value incremented:

process P[g] =
g?x:int ; g!x+1; P[g]

The last element in the sequential composition (P[g]) indicates that a new instance of the process starts when reaching to this point.

Choice ([])

The operator Choice ([]) allows representing the choice between two (or more) paths.

For example,

g! "hello"
g! "world"

allows either exposing "hello" or "world" through the gate g.

Guards ([condition] \(\rightarrow\))

In general, choice conditions are non-deterministic (or more precisely, dependent on the environment). To add conditions, we can use guards combined with the choice operator:

[condition1] \(\rightarrow\) behavior1
[condition2] \(\rightarrow\) behavior2

Then, the behaviors enabled depend on the conditions. For example, let P be a process having been instantiated with a variable x

P[g](x: int)
[x <0] \(\rightarrow\) g! -x; g? y: int; P[g](y)
[x >= 0] \(\rightarrow\) g! x; g? y: int; P[g](y)

This process has an if-else like behavior. It exposes the absolute value of x, receives a new value from the environment (y), and creates a new instance of the process with this value.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Temporal Logic - LTL - 3

In this post we'll see the formal semantics of LTL (LTL - 1, LTL - 2, LTL - Literature):

The model is represented by \(\langle S, I, R, L\rangle\) where \(S\) is the set of states, \(I \subseteq S\) is the set of initial states, \(R:SxS\) is the relation transition definition and \(L: S \rightarrow 2^{AP}\) is the labeling definition where AP is the set of available atomic propositions.

In the example of the last post:

We have three states, \(S = \{s_0,s_1,s_2\}\), with \(I = \{s_0\}\), \(R = \{(s_0,s_1), (s_1,s_2), (s_2, s_2)\}\), \(L = \{s_0\mapsto\{p\},s_1\mapsto\{q\},s_2\mapsto\{p,q,r\}\}\).

A path is an infinite path \(\pi=\pi_0\pi_1\dots\) where  \(\pi_0 \in I\) and for every \(i\), \((\pi_i,\pi_{i+1})\in R\). That is, the first state of the path is an initial state of the model, and for every two consecutive states of the path, there is a relation between them.

Now we define the semantics for the boolean operations and the temporal operators we have mentioned.

\(\pi,i\vDash q\) with \(q \in AP\) if and only if \(q \in L(\pi_i)\). That is, given a path \(\pi\) and index \(i\) of a state within the path an atomic proposition \(q\) is satisfied if and only if \(q\) belongs to the labels of that state.

\(\pi,i\vDash \neg \varphi\) if and only if  \(\pi,i\not\vDash  \varphi\). That is, not a formula is satisfied if the formula itself is not satisfied.

\(\pi,i\vDash  \varphi \land \theta\) if and only if  \(\pi,i\vDash  \varphi\) and \(\pi,i\vDash  \theta\). That is, the conjunction of two linear temporal logic formulas \(\varphi,\theta\) is satisfied if and only if both formulas are satisfied.

\(\pi,i\vDash  \varphi \lor \theta\) if and only if  \(\pi,i\vDash  \varphi\) or \(\pi,i\vDash  \theta\). That is, the disjunction of two linear temporal logic formulas \(\varphi,\theta\) is satisfied if and only at least one of the formulas is satisfied.

Now, we show the semantics of the temporal operators G, F, X, U.

\(\pi,i\vDash \textbf{G}\varphi\) if and only if for every \(j\ge i\), \(\pi,j\vDash \varphi\) , that is, every path starting with every state after \(i\) satisfies \(\varphi\).

\(\pi,i\vDash \textbf{F}\varphi\) if and only if exists \(j\ge i\), \(\pi,j\vDash \varphi\) , that is, there is a state in the future such that the path starting with that state satisfies \(\varphi\).

\(\pi,i\vDash \textbf{X}\varphi\) if and only if \(\pi,i+1\vDash \varphi\) , that is, there is the next state satisfies \(\varphi\).

\(\pi,i\vDash \varphi\textbf{U}\theta\) if and only if exists \(j\ge i\), \(\pi,j\vDash \theta\) and for every \(i\le k < j\), \(\pi,k\vDash \varphi\) , that is, there is a state \(j\) in the future such that the \(\theta\) is satisfied, and every state till \(j\) (non-including) satisfies \(\varphi\).

Or semantics:
Meeting of the Sussex Border Path with Hook Street at Monckton Hook (Andy Potter) / CC BY-SA 2.0

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Temporal Logic in Literature

In this post I want to put some phrases from Literature and show (possible) translation to temporal logic (LTL - 1, LTL - 2).

"In such terms Mr Gradgrind always mentally introduced himself, whether to his private circle of acquaintance, or to the public in general." Charles Dickens, Hard Times, Chapter 2

Let's compare these two formulas:

\(F (MrGradgrindMentallyIntroducesHimself)\)

\(G (MrGradgrindMentallyIntroducesHimself)\)

The first one indicates that there is one state in the future in which Mr. Gradgrind mentally introduces himself. The second one indicates that this occurs at every state, matching the keyword always in the sentence.

"There will be the noise of the blows of the whip, which they will give to the horses." Alexandre Dumas, The forty-Five Guardsmen, Chapter 1

Let's compare these two formulas:

\(F\ noiseBlowsOfWhip \land F\ whipToHorses\)

\(F (noiseBlowsOfWhip \land whipToHorses)\)

The first one indicates that there is a state in the future in which there is the noise of the blows of the whip, and there is state in the future in which they whip the horses, while the second one indicates a state in the future in which both things occur. Since we know that both things are related, the whip causes the noise, we know they must be at the same state, and the second formula is preciser.

' This proposal met with general applause, until an old mouse got up and said: "That is all very well, but who is to bell the Cat?" ' Aesop, Aesop's fables, Belling the Cat

A first attempt could to be to write the following formula:

\(Applause \land OldMouseQuestion\)

However, this formula expresses that at the first instant of time both things occur, and the applause may happen later and even later the question. Thus, we may attempt to correct the formula as follows:

\(Applause \land F\ OldMouseQuestion\)

It is better in that it expresses that first the applause occurs and sometime in the future the question by the old mouse. However, the applause goes only to be interrupted by the old mouse (keyword: until). Then we correct it as follows:

\(Applause\ U\ OldMouseQuestion\)

Here represents that the applause goes on until the old mouse asks its question. The only ambiguous part that remains is whether the story starts with the applause or this happens at some moment in the future. Due to our additional knowledge that first there is a discussion, then the proposal to bell the cat and only then the applause, we know that this part does not occur at the first state:

\(F\ Applause\ U\ OldMouseQuestion\)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Temporal Logic - LTL - 2

In the previous post (LTL - 1), we started talking about Linear Temporal Logic, a logic that allows expressing temporal properties about every path of a model.
In particular we have observed the temporal operators (or modalities):
G (Globally)
F (Eventually)
There is a relation between these two operators: Writing that globally something (property) holds, is equivalent to saying that the negation of the property will never hold. In terms of the operators this is expressed as:
G property = not F not property
I take this opportunity to present syntax notations I will use in future posts:
not = \( \neg \)
or = \( \lor \)
and = \( \land \)
Now, other temporal operators of interest are:
X formula (at the next state formula holds)
formula1 U formula2 (formula1 holds until formula2 holds)
For example,

In the given state machine, p q and r are atomic propositions. For example, p could represent x = 1 , q represent y > 0, and r represent that z is within some range of values. These are just examples, for each system, the set of atomic propositions is defined, and with these, the state machine representing the system is built. We will consider that if an atomic proposition does not appear in a state, then that atomic proposition does not hold at that state. For example the first state satisfies \( p \land \neg q \land \neg r \).

When standing at the first state of the model in the example (let's call it M), we can see that the next state satisfies q. That is, \( M \vDash \textbf{X}\ q \). When writing that the model satisfies an LTL formula, we are saying that every path starting from the initial states of the model satisfies the formula.

We can also observe that \(M \vDash  \textbf{X}\ \neg p \) ,\( M \vDash   \neg \textbf{X}\ r \), \( M \vDash  \textbf{X} \textbf{X}\ q \), and \( M \vDash  \textbf{X} \textbf{X}\textbf{X}\ p \). Question to the reader: why?

Thus, X expresses at the next state (from the state we are currently at). For example although the model does not satisfy that at the next state of every path starting from the initial states p will hold, there exists a future state such that its next state will satify p. That is \( M \vDash \textbf{F}\textbf{X}\ p \). And this way the different temporal operators can be combined.

The remaining operator for this post is U: The idea is that a formula "formula1 U formula2" is satisfied when formula1 holds at every state until some state where formula2 holds. If formula2 holds, then the formula with until holds. If formula2 never holds, then the until formula is not satisifed. In the next blog we will give the more formal definitions of the temporal operators (or modalities) and understand why the express the general idea we have seen in these two posts.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Temporal Logic - LTL - 1

Temporal logic allows expressing properties that a system should satisfy along time. We will first talk about linear temporal logic which expresses properties over every possible path. For example, let's consider the following model:

Let r be the proposition representing that the system is running and h the proposition representing the the system has halted.

Then we could check whether it always holds that this system will always halt. According to the state machine representation this is false: We can consider the path r,r,r,r,... and never get to the halt state.

With linear temporal logic we can express the property "the system will always halt" and other properties referring to time.

For example, the operator G formula (globally) indicates that from a given state, every state state satisfies formula (formula can be any linear temporal logic formula.

For instance, the formula G (r or h) is true. Every state of every path starting from the initial state satisfies that r or h hold. However, the formula G r is not satisfied by every path.

The operator F formula indicates that formula will be true at some state in the future.

The given example does not satisfy F h (because of the given counterexample where the second state is not reached..

However the formula F r, holds (a state satisfying r is reached at the first state)

In future posts we will consider some other examples and other operators.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Call for papers: Modularity 2015

 Call for Papers: Modularity '15 Research Results
         March 16-19, 2015, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA

First round due date: August 4, 2014. Second round due date: October 10, 2014.

Modularity is a key property for scalability of software processes, including debugging, maintenance, reasoning, and testing. Modularity influences system diversity, dependability, performance, evolution, the structure and the dynamics of the organizations that produce systems, human understanding and management of systems, and ultimately system value. Yet the nature of and possibilities for modularity, limits to modularity, the mechanisms needed to achieve it in given forms, and its costs, benefits, and tradeoffs remain poorly understood. Significant advances in modularity thus are possible and promise to yield breakthroughs in our ability to conceive, design, develop, validate, integrate, and evolve modern information systems and their underlying software artifacts.

Modularity at the semantic as well as the syntactic level is a key enabler for the expression of high quality software systems. One of the most important techniques for complexity reduction is abstraction. Novel concepts and abstraction mechanisms, including but not limited to aspect-oriented techniques, are a focus point for improvements in the support for modularity. The scope of this effort covers all perspectives on software systems in all their life-cycle phases, for instance application domain analysis, programming language constructs, formal proofs of system properties, program state visualization in debuggers, performance improvements in compiler algorithms, etc. As the premier international conference on modularity, Modularity'15 continues to advance our understanding of these issues and the expressive power of known techniques.

The Modularity'15 conference invites full, scholarly papers of the highest quality on new ideas and results. Papers are expected to contribute significant new research results with rigorous and substantial validation of specific technical claims, based on scientifically sound reflections on experience, analysis, experimentation, or formal models. Compelling new ideas are especially welcome, which means that the requirements in the areas of validation and maturity are higher for papers that contribute more incremental results.

Modularity'15 is deeply committed to publishing works of the highest caliber. To this aim, two separate paper submission deadlines and review stages are offered. A paper accepted in any round will be published in the proceedings and presented at the conference. Promising papers submitted in the first round that are not accepted may be invited to be revised and resubmitted for review by the same reviewers in the second round. Authors of such invited resubmissions are asked to also submit a letter explaining the revisions made to the paper to address the reviewers' concerns. While there is no guarantee that an invited resubmission will be accepted, this procedure (similar to major revisions requested by journals) is designed to help authors of promising work get their papers into the conference. Submission to both rounds is open for all, and authors who submit to the first round may of course choose to resubmit a revised version in the second round without such an invitation, in which case new reviewers may be appointed. Finally, the same paper cannot be simultaneously submitted to other conferences or journals. In case of doubt, please contact the Program Chair.

Research Topics

Modularity'15 is looking for papers in all areas of software modularity. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Varieties of modularity: Context orientation; feature orientation; generative programming; aspect orientation; software product lines; traits; families of classes; meta-programming and reflection; components; view-based development.

* Programming languages: Support for modular abstraction in: language design; verification, specification, and static program analysis; compilation, interpretation, and runtime support; formal languages and calculi; execution environments and dynamic weaving; dynamic languages; domain-specific languages.

* Software design and engineering: Requirements and domain engineering; architecture; synthesis; evolution; metrics and evaluation; empirical studies of existing software; economics; testing and verification; semantics; composition and interference; traceability; methodologies; patterns.

* Tools: Crosscutting views; refactoring; evolution and reverse engineering; aspect mining; support for new language constructs.

* Applications: Data-intensive computing; distributed and concurrent systems; middleware; service- oriented computing systems; cyber-physical systems; networking; cloud computing; pervasive computing; runtime verification; computer systems performance; system health monitoring; enforcement of non-functional properties.

* Complex systems: Works that explore and establish connections across disciplinary boundaries, bridging to such areas as biology, economics, education, infrastructure such as buildings or transport systems, and more.

* Composition. Component-based software engineering; Composition and adaptation techniques; Composition algebras, calculi, and type systems; Model-driven composition; Dynamic composition and reconfiguration; Large-scale component-based systems; Cloud, service-oriented architectures; Business process orchestration; Visual composition environments; Performance optimization of composite systems.

Important Dates

* First round:
Submission: August 4, 2014 (23:59 Baker Island / UTC-12)
Notification: September 14, 2014

* Second round:
Submission: October 10, 2014 (23:59 Baker Island / UTC-12)
Notification: December 7, 2014

* Camera ready: February 15, 2015

Submission Guidelines

Modularity'15 is deeply committed to eliciting works of the highest caliber. To this aim, two separate paper submission deadlines and review stages are offered. A paper accepted in any round will be published in the proceedings and presented at the conference. Promising papers submitted in the first round that are not accepted may be invited to be revised and resubmitted for review by the same reviewers in the second round. Authors of such invited resubmissions are asked to also submit a letter explaining the revisions made to the paper to address the reviewers' concerns. While there is no guarantee that an invited resubmission will be accepted, this procedure (similar to major revisions requested by journals) is designed to help authors of promising work get their papers into the conference. Submission to both rounds is open for all, and authors who submit to the first round may of course choose to resubmit a revised version in the second round without such an invitation, in which case new reviewers may be appointed. Finally, the same paper cannot be simultaneously submitted to other conferences or journals. In case of doubt, please get in touch with the Program Chair.
All submissions must conform to both the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions and the SIGPLAN Republication Policy.

Papers are to be submitted electronically to CyberChair.

Please use http://cyberchairpro.borbala.net/modularitypapers/submit/ to submit your paper. Submissions should use the SIGPLAN Proceedings Format using 9 point font. Please include page numbers in your submission as this will be helpful for the reviewers and also for you when reading their reviews. (If your submission is written using LaTeX, please set the preprint option in the LaTeX \documentclass command to generate page numbers.) Please also ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible.

To ensure that papers stay focused on their core contributions, the main part of the paper should be no longer than 12 pages. There is a 4 page limit for appendices, and, therefore, for the overall submission must be less than 16 pages. If the paper is accepted, the final submission will be limited to 16 pages, including appendices.

However, it is the responsibility of the authors to keep the reviewers interested and motivated to read their submission. Reviewers are under no obligation to read all or even a substantial portion of a paper if they do not find the initial part of the paper compelling. The committee will not accept a paper if it is unclear that the paper will fit in the Modularity'15 Proceedings.

All submitted papers are peer-reviewed. Accepted papers from all tracks will appear in the Modularity'15 Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. Submissions will be judged on the potential impact of the ideas and the quality of the presentation.

Program Committee Chair
Gary T. Leavens, University of Central Florida, USA (leavens@cs.ucf.edu)

Program Committee

Don Batory, University of Texas at Austin
Eric Bodden, Fraunhofer SIT and TU Darmstadt
Paulo Borba, Federal University of Pernambuco
Walter Cazzola, Università degli Studi di Milano
Cynthia Disenfeld, Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology
Robert Dyer, Bowling Green State University
Erik Ernst, Aarhus University
Matthew Flatt, University of Utah
Michael Haupt, Oracle Labs
Marieke Huisman, University of Twente
Cristina Lopes, University of California Irvine
Tiziana Margaria, University of Potsdam
Linda Northrop, Software Engineering Institute
Nate Nystrom, University of Lugano
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira, The University of Hong Kong
Awais Rashid, Lancaster University
Henrique Rebêlo, Federal University of Pernambuco
Martin Rinard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Norbert Siegmund, University of Passau
Murali Sitaraman, Clemson University
Kevin Sullivan, University of Virginia

External Review Committee

Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto
Steven Edwards, Virginia Tech.
Dan Grossman, University of Washington
Görel Hedin, Lund University
Mira Mezini, TU Darmstadt
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Hridesh Rajan, Iowa State University
Clemens Szyperski, Microsoft Research
Éric Tanter, University of Chile
Eelco Visser, Delft University of Technology

For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions please contact the Program Committee Chair.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Locks allow restricting access to different areas of the code. A part of the code that we want only one thread to have access at a given time is called a critical section. This critical section can represent access to some resource (like a printer; we don't want another process to start printing in the middle), execution of a particular function or part within the program (like an ATM transaction, there should be no interference while it occurs), or a method of a distributed data type (avoid erasing while inserting an element to a list).

Let's see the following code (without locks)

public class Printer implements Runnable {

private String document;

public Printer(String document){
this.document = document;

public void run() {
Random r = new Random();
//represents some preprocessing of the document
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
for (int i=0; i < document.length(); i++){
System.out.println("printing \"" + document.charAt(i) + "\"");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread t1 = new Thread(new Printer("hello"));
Thread t2 = new Thread(new Printer("world"));


The main method starts two thread printing "hello" and "world" respectively. The run method of the Printer class (invoked when the threads are started), prints each letter and has some delay (imagine the physical time to actually print the letter. Then, when running this program the printing of both documents gets winded and the output letters do not form "hello" "world", but some mix of their letters.

One way to deal with this is by using locks within the for loop so that from the moment the printer starts it cannot get interrupted: (changes to the run method)

public void run() {
Random r = new Random();
//represents some preprocessing of the document
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
while (true){
boolean success = lock.tryLock();
if (success) break;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
for (int i=0; i < document.length(); i++){
System.out.println("printing \"" + document.charAt(i) + "\"");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

Now, only one thread can access the for loop at a time. 

Question to think: what would have happened had we forgotten the unlock after the loop?

PS: The goal of this post was to give a first explanation of locks (without entering into language details) Java allows using synchronized for avoiding multiple threads from entering the same method. For a discussion on the difference between locks and synchronize, there's a nice explanation here: locks vs synchronized

Thursday, June 12, 2014


LOTOS (Language of Temporal Ordering Specifications) is a formal specification language that allows expressing processes and process compositions.

There is a wide set of operators with which very interesting behaviors and process interactions can be obtained. But first, we'll start from the basics.

The basic process is an event, and an event is a communication through a gate, for instance, receiving through a gate g an integer value x


or providing as output "hello" through the gate h


Notice that we represent input with a question mark and output with an exclamation mark. In addition, when g receives the value within x, the variable x is locally accessible to the following events.. but now we ask ourselves, how to add events?

The simplest case is the sequential composition, obtained with the semicolon (;)

for instance

g?x:int; g!x

this process receives an int value, and then outputs it through the same gate

Different gates and variables could be involved. For instance

g?x:int; g?y: string; h!concat(y, " world"); f!x+2

In the next LOTOS post I will discuss choice (choosing between enabled behaviors)

A Lotus flower

Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP) - around advice

We have discussed before and after advice (AfterAOP - 2), it remains to talk about around advice. This kind of advice is very interesting because not only allows adding behavior before and/or after the original joinpoint, but also allows overriding the original behavior, or applying the original behavior multiple times.

For example,

public class C{

  public static void main(){
1    int y = addOne(0);
2    System.out.println(y);

  public static int addOne(int x){
3    return x+1;

public aspect A{
4  pointcut callAddOne(int x): call(* *.addOne(int)) && args(x)

5  int around(int x): callAddOne(x){
6    System.out.println("before calling");
7    int tmpValue = proceed(x);
8    tmpValue = proceed(tmpValue);
9    System.out.println("after calling");
10    return tmpValue;

In the example, the around advice (line 5) is activated when the pointcut (line 4) matches a joinpoint. The only location in C where this occurs is in line 1, when addOne is called.
Then, the following things happen
i) when matching the joinpoint, the pointcut caputres x as the argument to the call (notices args(x) within the pointcut definition)
ii) the message "before calling" is printed
iii) proceed indicates to apply the original behavior. That is, we are actually calling to addOne with the value x (in the original call was 0, so this is the value within the advice).
iv) tmpValue obtains the return value of the call, in this case 1
v) we call again to the original method! but this time with the argument tmpValue
vi) tmpValue is updated to 2 (it was incremented by the second proceed)
vii) the second message within the advice is printed
viii) the value 2 is returned
ix) y (in line 1) receives 2 and gets printed.

Around-like advice are a very strong mechanism not only to add behavior before or after the original, but also to change the control flow, for instance by making the original joinpoint to be executed multiple times, or none at all! If within the around advice there is no proceed, then the original behavior gets overriden.

The Earth moves around the Sun (but doesn't override it :) )

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Pre and Post Conditions: Hoare Logic - 2

Continuing the post Hoare Logic - 1, we will now present to which kind of statements these triples (pre, program, post) can be applied
0. Nop (doesn't do anything)
1. Assignments
x := e // x gets the value of some expression e, that may or may not contain x
2. Consequence; that is, S1;S2 (first execute S1, then S2)
3. if B then S1 else S2 fi (typical if, with B a boolean condition)
4. while B do S od (at each iteration, B is checked. If satisfied by the current state, S is executed)

All these statements can then be combined to make more complex programs, and provide the formalization to prove program correctness

For example, given P:

y := 2*x;
if (y < 0) z := - y/2
else z := y/2

we can prove that the value of z is the absolute value of x (the division is the real division, not the integer one).

To do so we can instrument the program above as follows:

1. {\(x=X_0\)}
y := 2*x;
2. {\(x=X_0 \land y = 2\cdot x\)}
if (y < 0)
  z := - y/2
3.  {\(x=X_0 \land y = 2\cdot x \land z = - y/2\)}
   z := y/2
4.  {\(x=X_0 \land y = 2\cdot x \land z = y/2\)}
5. {\(x=X_0 \land y = 2\cdot x \land (y<0 \rightarrow z = - y/2)  \land (y\ge 0 \rightarrow z = y/2)\)}

Line 1 adds an auxiliary variable (X0) - which doesn't appear in the program - to indicate that the contents of x do not change. Auxiliary variables can be added at any stage of the proof, but their value does not change; that is, from the moment we have indicated x = X0 in 1, we have indicated that X0 will always contain x's initial value

Line 2 adds the assignment to y, and that x has not changed

Line 3 considers the first branch of the if, and Line 4 the second branch, updating z as necessary

Line 5 joins both branches, according to the condition. That is, if y <0 then the first branch is applied, otherwise the second one.

5. {\(x=X_0 \land y = 2\cdot x \land (y<0 \rightarrow z = - y/2)  \land (y\ge 0 \rightarrow z = y/2)\)}
Now given this last expression, we'll try to conclude that indeed z contains the absolute value of x

\(x=X_0 \land y = 2\cdot x \land (y<0 \rightarrow z = - y/2)\)
It can be inferred that when y<0 the value of z is -X0
Similarly, from the second implication it can be inferred that when y is greater or equal than 0, the value of z is X0.

Now, y is lower than 0 iff x is lower than 0, therefore,
the value of z is -X0 if x is lower than 0, and X0 otherwise, which is the definition of the absolute value, as expected.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP) - AJDT - First project

To actually define pointcuts (Pointcuts - 1Pointcuts - 2), advice (Introduction - 2after advice), and aspects in general, AJDT is a useful tool. According to your eclipse version, download instructions are available in AJDT - download.

That is, you open eclipse, go to Help -> Install new Software ; enter the appropriate update site, and install AJDT.

Once installed, you can define an AspectJ project, with classes and aspects.

Creating an AspectJ project:

In the next window, set the project name.

A project that has not initially been set as an AspectJ project, can later be changed (and an AspectJ project can be changed to a normal java project - but if it has aspects, it will fail to compile)

Add a new class HelloWorldAspectsMain

with the following methods:

public static void main(String[] args) {

private static void foo() {
           System.out.println("in foo"); 

Then, create the aspect HelloWorldAspect (new -> Other.. -> Aspect) 

The contents of the created file are:

public aspect HelloWorldAspect {


Within the brackets add the following code:

pointcut callFoo(): call(* *.foo());
before(): callFoo(){
after(): callFoo(){

so that the resulting aspect file is:

public aspect HelloWorldAspect {
pointcut callFoo(): call(* *.foo());
before(): callFoo(){
after(): callFoo(){

Run the code as an AspectJ program (when pressing run, this option should appear), and check what happens!

The expected output is:

in foo

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Pre and Post Conditions: Hoare Logic

One way to specify and verify programs is by means of pre and post conditions. The main idea is that given a program or a function P, we write {pre} P {post}, where pre represents the precondition and post the postcondition.

This triple expresses the following: for any input, such that pre is satisfied (before executing P), when P is run, if it finishes its execution then post must hold.

Note that if the input does not satisfy pre, or if P does not end, then the triple is trivially satisfied

These are usually called Hoare triples, because of the article "An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming" [1].

For example,
{x \(\ge\) 0}
y := sqrt(x);
{y = \(\sqrt(x)\)}

This code only makes sense for non-negative x's, and after executing the statement y contains the square root of x.

These ideas are the basis of design by contract, where for each method there is a contract of what is expected about the input, and in case that holds, what is guaranteed about the output.

[1] Hoare, Charles Antony Richard. "An axiomatic basis for computer programming." Communications of the ACM 12, no. 10 (1969): 576-580.

Shavuot inspired post: 5 formal methods related areas

Today in the evening starts Shavuot (feast of the weeks), the Jewish holiday that occurs 7 weeks after Passover and commemorates receiving the Torah (at Mount Sinai). The typical movie image includes Moses going down the mountain with the 10 commandments written in stone, 5 commandments on each.

Inspired by this, I will post here 5 (one tablet of stone) formal methods related areas I intend to write about in this blog:

1. Pre and post conditions: hoare logic, design by contract, software implementing these ideas, extensions
2. Model checking: temporal logic, algorithms, bdds, compositional verification, abstraction-refinement
3. Static analysis: overapproximation, abstract interpretation
4. Sat-based verification: algorithms, smt, bounded model checking
5. Parallel programming formal models: consistency models, synchronization primitives, languages (csp, ccs, lotos)

I will probably continue writing about other topics as well, such as AOP in the context of Software Engineering, Modularity..
However I hope to cover most of the topics mentioned above (given enough time)

Hag Sameach!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP) - after advice

As we have mentioned in AOP - 2, there are three kinds of advice: before, after, and around.

The before advice is very simple, it allows adding the concern code before the joinpoints matching the pointcut.

I will now focus on the after advice which has some more options.
It can be used as:

  1. after( exposed information ) returning [(exposed information)]: pointcut
  2. after( exposed information ) throwing [(exposed information)]: pointcut
  3. after( exposed information ): pointcut
Notation: the text between brackets means that it is optional

The first one captures when the execution flow returns from the joinpoint (possible exposing information about the returned value).

For example, given the classes:

class C{
  public static void main(){
    D d = new D();
    int x = d.foo();

class D {
  public int foo(){
    return 8;

and the advice

after() returning: call(* *.foo()){
  System.out.println("after foo");

prints the advice message once foo has returned successfully

On the other hand, the advice

after() returning(int x): call(* *.foo()){
  System.out.println("after foo");

also prints the returned value by foo methods of type int

The second option above (2.) captures the exception thrown, so that if we want to add some behavior only when an exception occurred within the joinpoint this kind of advice is very useful.

For example, given the following classes

class C{
  public static void main(){
    D d = new D();
    int x = d.foo(-1);

class D {
  public int foo(int i){
    if (i < 0) throw new Exception("did not expect negative value");
    return Math.sqrt(i);

The advice
after() throwing: call(* *.foo()){
  System.out.println("exception thrown within foo");

captures the problematic situation and prints the message (and the exception is still thrown to the other classes.

The third option captures returning from the joinpoint either correctly or because of an exception.

To think about: How would you write an advice that when returning from foo with an exception, also prints the exception message? (before forwarding the exception to the calling methods?)

The boy throws a rock to the sea, as sometimes methods throw exceptions...

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP) - Static Pointcuts - Exercises

Try writing the following pointcuts statically capturing some joinpoints:

(According to the posts AOP - Pointcuts 1AOP - Pointcuts 2)
  1. The pointcut that captures any call to any int method containing the word "Method" in its name. For example:
class C{
  public static void main(){
      D d = new D();
1.    d.thisMethodIsCool();

class D{
  public int thisMethodIsCool(){
2.    System.out.println("within the cool method");

The pointcut should match the call in line 1 of class C.

pointcut callMethod(): call(int *.*Method*(..))

  1. The same as before but now capture the execution of the method, i.e., when the eecution flow is within line 2 of class D.

pointcut executeMethod(): execution(int *.*Method*(..))

  1. This pointcut should match whenever a String field named "name" is set

pointcut setName(): set(String *.name)

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Synchronization primitives - CAS

CAS (compare and swap) is a synchronization primitive to deal with race conditions as presented in Race conditions . This primitive checks whether a variable has the value previously read and in case it does, CAS changes the contents of that variable - all of this is applied atomically, i.e. no other thread can interrupt this set of actions. This is usually useful when reading a value, and we want to write the value changed, to see that the value has not changed since we have read it.

For example given the code:

   do {
1.   tmp = read(x)
2.   tmp = tmp+1
3. } while (! CAS (x, tmp, tmp+1));

This is very similar to the code in the previous post, but now we capture the case when someone has written some different value and prevents some undesirable schedules.

For instance, let's consider the following schedule:

In the previous post A.3 wrote in x without noticing if someone else had changed x's value in the meanwhile. Now, with the CAS statement, once B has written a new value, the CAS statement fails forcing A to read the updated value before writing it incremented by one. (which is what we would expect!)

Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP) - Pointcuts - 2

We have mentioned the call and execution pointcuts in the post Pointcuts - 1 .

There are several other useful pointcuts expressions, we will first describe static ones and then dynamic ones. Static ones are those that they can be analyzed at compilation time, and therefore, part of the weaving (applying the aspect at the correct place) is done statically, thus avoiding usual aspect overhead. Dynamic pointcuts expressions depend on the runtime state of the system. A certain joinpoint may match the pointcut at some point of time but not at another.

Some interesting static pointcut expressions (besides call and execution) are:
get/set (fieldPattern) do detect whenever a value read or written to a field (wildcards are allowed here too); 
initialization -> to capture constructors; 
within / withinCode -> to statically check if the pointcut is within a certain class or method name

Some interesting dynamic pointcut expressions are:
cflow(pointcut): captures any joinpoint within the execution flow of the pointcut. 
For example, if there is a pointcut: cflow (call(* *.foo()) and within foo() there is a call to bar(); then that call is within the execution flow of call(foo) therefore the advice with that pointcut will be activated. However, when bar is called within a stack trace where foo has not occurred, the matching advice will not be activated.
this, target, args: All this allow not only capturing dynamic information but also exposing it to be used within the advice. For instance, let's consider the pointcut
call(* *.foo()) && this(C)
This pointcut expresses any call to C where the call is done by an object of class C.
Moreover if we define the pointcut as follows:
pointcut p(C objC):call(* *.foo()) && this(objC)
we are saying the same as before but also saving the reference to the object calling foo in objC.
Similarly, with target we can save the reference of the targeted object, and with args, the arguments with which the call is being made.

Besides static and dynamic pointcut descriptors, more complex pointcuts can be obtained by boolean composition:
&& -> and among pointcuts
|| -> or among pointcut
! -> not pointcut

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Race conditions

A race condition in parallel programs occurs when different schedules / interleavings may cause different results.
The most typical example is the following: let two threads A and B execute (each) the program P given by

1. tmp = read(x)
2. tmp = tmp+1
3. write(x,tmp) //write in x the value of tmp

This code is consistent with several formal representations of parallel programs where at each statement a shared variable is accessed only once. In particular, here we consider x to be the shared variable and each thread creates a temporal local variable tmp to increment it and then write it at the original location.

Now, if  the initial value of x is 0, and the schedule is A, B (i.e. first A executes all the lines, and then B), by the end x will contain the value 2 (one increment by A, another one by B)

However, in parallel programs, one of the threads may be preempted (interrupted) the other continues running, then returns.. so there are other possible execution orders for this code.
One of them is:
A.1 (A executes the first line)

what happens here when the initial value of  x is 0?
with A.1, tmpA (tmp local to A) gets the value 0
with B.1, tmpB also gets the value 0 (it has not been changed yet)
B.2, B.3 increments and writes the new value setting x with 1 (but tmpA has not changed)
A.2 increments tmpA (it was 0, now is 1)
A.3 writes this value in x

This causes the value of x by the end of this schedule to be 1.

Thus, this code (as is) is an example of a race condition. Usually synchronization primitives are used to avoid such problems, but I'll write more about these primitives later..

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP) - Pointcuts - 1

So far we have talked very little about pointcuts, but there are several syntax keywords that allow capturing different joinpoints.

Here is the whole list: Pointcuts, but I will point out some that are very useful (and used):

call(MethodPattern): whenever a method is called. MethodPattern is an expression (containing wildcards) that may capture different sets. For instance public int C.m(String) is a method pattern capturing the public method m of class C that receives one argument of type String. We can also define the following * *.*(..) which represents, any method of any class of any type with any set of arguments. Something in the middle could be * Cl*.me*(String, ..) which captures methods (of any type) that begin with me, of classes that start with Cl and receive at least one String argument (as the first  argument).

execution (MethodPattern), is similar but represents when we are in the class of the method pattern. To observe the difference between call and execution let's consider the following example:

1. class MainClass {
2.   public static void main(){
3.      C o1 = new C();
4.      o1.m();
5.   }
6. }

1. class C {
2.   public void m(){
3.   }
4. }

the call pointcut matches the location at MainClass, line 4; while the execution pointcut matches the execution within C that is, between lines 2 and 3 of class C.